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Mapsui 3.0 supports a widget, that could show the main performance values for drawing the map.

How it works

1) Create a new Performance object for the MapControl, where the values could be stored

if (mapControl.Performance == null)
    mapControl.Performance = new Utilities.Performance(10);

2) Create the PerformanceWidget. As parameter you have to provide the Performance object, that the widget should be use

var widget = new Widgets.Performance.PerformanceWidget(mapControl.Performance);

3) If you want to clear all values of the Performance object, then add the following event handler for the touch event of the widget

widget.WidgetTouched += (sender, args) =>

    args.Handled = true;

4) Add the widget to the list of known widgets


5) To draw the widget on the screen, we need a widget renderer. To use the default widget renderer, use the following lines

mapControl.Renderer.WidgetRenders[typeof(Widgets.Performance.PerformanceWidget)] = new Rendering.Skia.SkiaWidgets.PerformanceWidgetRenderer(10, 10, 12, SkiaSharp.SKColors.Black, SkiaSharp.SKColors.White);

The first two parameters are the X and Y coordiantes for the widget. Third parameter is the text size. Fourth is the text color and fifth is the background color.

Code copy

if (mapControl.Performance == null)
    mapControl. Performance = new Utilities.Performance();

var widget = new Widgets.Performance.PerformanceWidget(mapControl.Performance);

widget.WidgetTouched += (sender, args) =>

    args.Handled = true;

mapControl.Renderer.WidgetRenders[typeof(Widgets.Performance.PerformanceWidget)] = new Rendering.Skia.SkiaWidgets.PerformanceWidgetRenderer(10, 10, 12, SkiaSharp.SKColors.Black, SkiaSharp.SKColors.White);



Time for drawing of the last screen. Be careful: because the widget is drawn together with the screen, this time is the time for the screen drawn before the screen you see.


The mean value is the mean of the last x draws. x is the number, you provide when creating the Performance object.

Frames per second

This is the number of frames that could be drawn with the actual mean drawing time.


Fastest draw of the screen.


Slowest draw of the screen.


How often the screen is drawn.


How often the screen isn't invalidated, because a drawing is still in progress.


The Performance object contains the times between start and end of a drawing process. This must not be the real drawing time. It could be, that other tasks running in between the drawing process.