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Asynchronous Data Fetching

Some background

To get smooth performance while panning and zooming data needs to be fetched on a background thread. Even if it is fetched on a background thread it will use resources which could be noticible in the responsiveness of the map. The asyncronous data fetching of Mapsui tries to take this into account to optimize the user experience.


(ChangeType was introduced in V3, in V2 the majorType boolean has this purpose)

When calling the RefreshData method on the layers we pass in a ChangeType parameter which could be:

  • Continous - During dragging, pinching zoom, or animations.
  • Discrete - On zoom in/out button press, on touch up, or at the end of an animation.

The layers itself decides how to respond to the refresh call. For different data types different strategies are used.

TileLayer data fetching

The diagram below shows how the TileLayers data fetcher works. The data fetcher runs on a background thread. The UI and Fetcher communicate through non blocking messages. Whenever the user pans or zooms a View Changed message is sent to the Fetcher. This will trigger the fetcher to start fetching data. Whenever new data arrives a Data Changed message is sent to the UI so that it knows it should redraw the map. The fetcher dumps incoming data into a cache. The UI renderer retrieves whatever is needed from that cache when rendering, not taking into account what the data fetcher is doing. This loose coupling keeps things simple and flexible and the renderer never has to wait for the fetcher which results in a smooth (perceived) performance.

Read/Write cache

For rendering the cache is only read. For data fetching the cache is primarily written but it is also needs to read the cache in order to know which data is already available and does not need to be fetched.


Both the fetcher and the renderer can use some smart tricks to optimize the experience, for example:

  • The fetcher can pre‐fetch tiles that are not directly needed but could be in the future.
  • The renderer could search for alternative tiles (higher or lower levels) when the optimal tiles are not available.

The implementation of these strategies can be overridden by the user by implementing interfaces that can be passed into the TileLayer constructor.

  • The IDataFetchStrategy (IFetchStrategy in V2) determines which tiles are fetched from the data source to be stored in the cache. There is a DataFetchStrategy default implementation and a MinimalDataFetchStrategy which only fetches the tiles directly needed.
  • The IRenderFetchStrategy (IRenderGetStrategy in V2) determines which tiles are fetched from the cache to use for rendering. There is a RenderFetchStrategy default implementation and a MinimalRenderFetchStrategy which only fetches the tiles directly needed.

Those strategies should be tuned to support each other. For instance, in the current implementation the renderer uses higher level tiles when the optimal tiles are not available, and the fetcher pre‐fetches higher level tiles to assist the renderer. The way they play together is not specified in the interface so developers should take this into account.

mapsui async fetching architecture

Data fetching in other layers

Other layers like the Layer and ImageLayer have their own implementation. They use a delay mechanism in fetching new data and ignore ChangeType.Continuous.