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The MapInfo class contains information about what is visible on a specific location on the map. You can get MapInfo by calling the GetMapInfo function on the EventArgs of manipulation event handlers (like Info, Tapped, PointerPressed, PointerReleased, PointerMoved). GetMapInfo takes a parameter to specify which layers to include in the MapInfo. The MapInfo class always contain the ScreenPosition and WorldPosition, but these are also directly available on all EventArgs.

Changes between V4 and V5

In V4 MapInfo was a field of the MapInfoEventArgs of the Info event. In V5 more event types are added. We do not want to tie MapInfo to any particular event and don't want to burden all events with fetching MapInfo. With the GetMapInfo function on all EventArgs the user can choose to request MapInfo or not.

In different situations you want information from different layers (when editing, when showing feature info, when showing hover info). In V4 you had to set the ILayer.IsMapInfoLayer to true on a layer and would always get MapInfo on these layer on any call to Info. In V5 you can specify which layers to include on each call, making it more flexible.