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In Mapsui v5, image sources have been introduced, simplifying the process of assigning images to symbols. Previously, in v4, you had to load the image in your code, register it, and then assign the image ID returned from the registration to the symbol. With v5, you can directly assign the image path to the symbol.

Supported Path Schemes

Mapsui supports three types of schemes for specifying image paths: 'http(s)', 'file', and 'embedded' (for pointing to embedded resources). Here are some examples:

myStyle.ImageSource = "";
myStyle.ImageSource = $"file://{Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData}/example.png"
myStyle.ImageSource = "embedded://Mapsui.Resources.Images.Pin.svg"

Image Types

An ImageSource can point to an SVG (supported via Svg.Skia) or a bitmap type, which can be PNG, WEBP, JPEG, and any other formats supported by SkiaSharp.

Types with an ImageSource

In Mapsui 5.0.0-beta.2 the following types support the ImageSource path:

  • SymbolStyle
  • CalloutStyle
  • Brush
  • ImageButtonWidget

BitmapRegion for Bitmap Types

For bitmap types, you can specify a sub-region of the bitmap to use. This is useful for utilizing a smaller part of a bitmap or working with a meta image (or atlas) that contains multiple smaller images.

In Mapsui 5.0.0-beta.2 the following types support the BitmapRegion:

  • SymbolStyle
  • Brush

Custom SVG colors

When using an SVG, you can override the built-in colors of the stroke and fill with:

  • SvgFillColor
  • SvgStrokeColor

This feature offers great flexibility, allowing you to, for instance, indicate different types of vehicles or different states of a single vehicle.

In Mapsui 5.0.0-beta.2 only the SymbolStyle supports SvgFillColor and SvgStrokeColor.