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Frequently Asked Questions

The openstreetmap layer does not show

The most common reason is that the default user-agent used by the osm layer is blocked. The default user-agent gets blocked by osm at some point because there is always someone somewhere abusing the api. Within your app you need to use a user-agent that is specific to your app. We change the user agent from time to time so that the samples work but it will probably get blocked again at some point. Better not to wait until that happens and create you own user-agent right away.


Why is all my data in a small area near the west coast of Africa?

This is because the background data is in SphericalMercator (it is in the SphericalMercator coordinate system) and the foreground data is in WGS84 (latlon). Use SphericalMercator.FromLonLat to transform it. Note: There can be many other forms of mixing up coordinate systems, but this is the most common.

Why does NavigateTo zoom into an area near the west coast of Africa?

This is because the coordinates you pass to NavigateTo are in WGS84 whereas the background data is in SphericalMercator. Use SphericalMercator.FromLonLat to transform the NavigateTo arguments to SphericalMercator. Note: There can be many other forms of mixing up coordinate systems, but this is the most common.

How can I get rid of the white dots? (or black lines)

Set Layer.Style = null. In Mapsui a Style can be assigned to a ILayer and a Feature. A Layer is created with a default style which is rendered as a white dot for a Point, a black line for a LineString and a black outline for a Polygon. The Layer.Style applies to all features in the layer. If you work with a style on a feature the layer style is still drawn underneath.

Map.Home is meant to define the default extent. The Map.Home method is called when the canvas is initialzed. If you want to navigate after the app is started then call the methods on Map.Navigator.

To set the startup viewport you need to assign Map.Home. Map.Navigator does not work during startup because the canvas size is not known.